Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Hate Speech of Evelyn Zumaya

  Read the quotes below and tell me if you find any that contain "civility and grace"  I'll wait.  

 Direct quotes of comments either by Evelyn Zumaya or approved by Evelyn Zumaya to appear on her public blog.

"Vicious flabby senior citizen who cloaks himself in the mantle of the 23rd Psalm" 5/9/22

"Valentino will rise from the dead and deposit himself buck naked in Terhune's bed. You keep working on that one, Terhune.  It's been how many decades of effort so far?" 2/16/22

"Terhune is totally immoral" 3/19/22

"Terhune, boated pie faced senior citizen that he is...." 4/12/22

Terhune is an "aged gay man"  6/9/22

" 'Rudy was gay' stories seem to give Terhune cheap thrills and fuel his fantasies"  7/17/22

"I am convinced that Terhune has some mental development challenges which are on full display" 3/30/22

"I never said you would shoot someone in the back of the head, you did actually by identifying yourself."  8/9/20

"Terhune monitors this doubt wearing a diaper to avoid the need to is an immense pleasure to know that his flesh is crawling in response..."  6/22/22

"Talk about a small world that Terhune is in.  His fantasies about Valentino are unhealthy" 3/30/22

"He is going into Charles Manson territory" 1/23/22

"Terhune is diabolically psychologically disturbed" 5/5/22

"Tracy Ryan Terhune's delusions of grandeur have now reached worrying levels.  Not so much for us but for his loved ones, if any."  8/9/20

" a viper in a far too small T shirt and age inappropriate bad haircut"  6/9/22

"Terhune is a tin pot dictator with a microscopic constituency" 4/14/22

"TRT who gives off the vibe of a man who dresses up in women's underwear in the privacy of his own home" 11/20/21

"I think the adjective "corrupt" would certainly apply in describing Tracy Ryan Terhune's leadership" 4/18/22

"What unwholesome things has Terhune possibly been up to at the crypt 'after hours?'" 3/31/22

"This is not imo a Valentino Cult at all, but a Tracy Terhune cult"  4/4/22

"..letting someone like Tracy Terhune continue to emcee that burlesque vaudeville show next to Valentino's coffin every year" 7/23/20

"I think imo Rudy would kick Tracy Terhune's ass"  10/20/21

"Terhune has hurt Evelyn's family and threatened anyone who supports her. Being called a demon, now that has hit a sore spot, hasn't it?" 7/17/22

"The legacy of Terhune will be of lies, scorn but yours will live on"  11/26/22

"I think we can all count on seeing photos from the upcoming August 2022 crypt parade of Terhune, grinning his toothless grin......"  5/12/22

"..celebrate every year a ceremony which rather than being a serious occasion reminds me of the mad hatter's non-birthday party in Alice in Wonderland.  Yes, a non-birthday party because this ceremony does not celebrate a birth but a death"  8/9/20

Terhune "sports a flick of mascara and foundation for....turn at crypt lectern"  5/8/22

"Wonder who you are... maybe the flabby mascaraed crypt keeper" 6/30/22

"Sickening how they cater to Lord Terhune kissing his fat butt"  3/3/22

"Terhune is a colossal horses ass" 3/18/22

What does this have to do with Valentino?  Zumaya approved this comment

"Tracy, you are no Jesus Christ"  5/30/22

"Too bad Terhune cannot go to jail for what he does"  6/22/22

"Despite being the cult leader on his FB forum, Terhune has all the charisma of a bowl of oatmeal. Served cold." 4/4/22

"The membership is a reflection of their relic hoarding leader" 5/21/22

"Terhune is a pompous ass. And it's clear why the topic of syphilis makes him flinch.  Hint: it has nothing to do with 'disrespect'" 9/16/21

"Tracy Ryan Terhune said there was room enough at the Valentino table for everyone...positioning himself somehow as if he is in charge of any "Valentino" table other than that post crypt fest spaghetti throw down..."  4/17/20

"Lord Terhune aka The Cult Leader and who are trying to make Evelyn and her followers as a cult and who twist comments to make it look like she is the villan"  4/18/22

"Terhune seems to believe that because he hoards minor Valentino relics and interned at Disneyland, he has credentials" 3/18/22

"Terhune the gaslighting narcissist"  6/24/22

"Imagine them convening at the memorial....joyless and grim, consigned to the hell of one another's company"  6/29/21

"TRT his living quarters are a Valentino museum. He wiles away the hours by covering himself in his dead dream lover's clothing and effects" 10/30/21

"Terhune will never have his pathetic heart's desire with long gone Rudy" 7/17/22

"The thought of Terhune owning Rudy's bracelet makes my skin crawl and the cryptfest makes me ill"  7/25/22

"Terhune looks absolutely ridiculous wearing a slave bracelet at age 65"  7/25/22

"..The bracelet's painful chain of custody from Rambova's loving hands to Terhune's grimy and depraved paws is as tawdry as tawdry gets.  Incidentally he looks just ghastly in the video plug for the upcoming crypt fest"  7/24/22

"TRT...would never let the little creep near his precious memorial.  Hypocrisy, thy name is Terhune" 7/26/22

"Terhune looked like he needed an oxygen infusion and makeup wipes in that promotional spot he filmed for the memorial"  7/28/22

" so arrogant, he believes he can allow Bret free rein to barf up every kind of disgusting verbal the same time he can bow his angelic head in prayer at the Valentino Memorial" 7/29/22

".....the heavy mascara and pancake makeup that Terhune wears to record Crypt Fest preview videos" 7/29/22

"The heavy eye makeup Terhune wore in his most recent video appearance was, shall we say euphemistically, not a good look. He appeared to have drawn his inspiration from Vilma Banky in Son of the Sheik.  No doubt he fantasizes it is he, and not Banky, who Valentino ravishes in the tent"  7/29/22

"Pasty, bloated Terhune seems like a pathetic figure for whom life has passed by. Must be hard at the end of the day to realize that relic hoarding doesn't make for fulfilled life like the Floris have"  8/3/22

"He shamelessly plants himself in a church and asserts supernatural legitimacy..." 9/8/22

"Hey Terhune, you colossal POS"  (POS = Piece of shit) 9/15/22

"People don't show up at the Memorial to see TRT, I can assure you.  I would use the phrase "in spite of..."  9/14/22

"Terhune is a fraudulent gasbag in keen need of reputation rebuilding" 9/22/22

"...the bastards. Yes I called them all that, Renato does too ... so Tracy Terhune can rush off to log that insult into his tally.  Bastard is defined as an unpleasant and despicable person.  There you have it and if Mr. Terhune wants to be called more flattering adjectives then he should earn them"  10/23/22

These are all direct quotes from or approved by Evelyn Zumaya


  1. Those quotes by PFW writer “Evelyn Zumaya” are but the tip of a very big iceberg. Here, in no particular order, are a few of the insults that she levelled at me. NOTE: I have omitted the ones where she accused me of any number of crimes.

    June 9, 2022 at 7:51 AM
    "Line the litter box " with pages of his books, that is how bad he writes. I agree Bret should go to jail for the pain he has given others. Along with Terhune.

    March 22, 2022 at 6:52 PM
    No doubt he and his frightening lookalike wife spend their hours convulsed with laughter as they sit on their rotting couch, regaling each other with pornographic tales, trading obscenities and plotting their next toilet bowl adventure together.

    October 30, 2021 at 7:57 PM
    Precisely. Bret is the perverted old biddy next door with dead bodies buried in his basement, despised and taunted by the neighbourhood children. Terhune is a modern Miss Havisham. His living quarters are a Valentino mausoleum. He wiles away the hours by covering himself in his dead dream lover’s clothing and effects. Psycho is the word.

    November 2, 2021 at 5:11 PM
    Turdhune and Burp run a nasty little kingdom reminiscent of communist governments. One careless or introspective word questioning the party line and you will be shipped off to work in a mine for the rest of your life or just disappeared off the face of the Earth.

    March 16, 2022 at 8:33 PM
    ….a wizened little gremlin who likes to pretend he was Marlene Dietrich's best pal. Dietrich would not have spat on him if he was on fire.

    October 29, 2021 at 11:36 PM
    Kobold, bastard, POS him and Terhune deserve those names.

    October 23, 2021 at 4:48 AM
    As has been said before, composing verbal sewage and flashing it to the world is this sicko’s version of a sex life. Yawn.

    Renato FlorisOctober 17, 2021 at 1:06 AM
    Since I did not grow up in the back room of a quarrelsome English pub I find it very difficult to descend to the levels of David Bret
    October 14, 2021 at 9:17 PM
    That tired old slapper is howling into the wind. Message to Kobold - time to hang it up old girl, no one gives a damn.
    February 12, 2022 at 11:58 PM
    Bret is driven a suffocating self loathing that is renewed every time he looks in the mirror. One shudders to imagine the mocking and bullying he doubtlessly endured in the bleak schoolyards of his blighted UK childhood.
    Renato FlorisFebruary 13, 2022 at 8:42 AM
    …only compassion for so much pathetism, sorry that the poor man is suffering so much, he needs urgent help.

    February 13, 2022 at 3:38 PM I suppose even rabid dogs deserve a little pity.

    19 March 2020: In the fall of 2011 it seemed that David Bret was involved in another online furor, the disappearance of the British child Madeleine McCann [sic]…I made a point of expressing my dismay [to the authorities] that Bret would have anything to do with missing children…

    February 7, 2022 at 2:24 AM
    How is it that Bret is not confined within an institution? These examples of his “work” should be presented to the NHS with the demand for an explanation as to how a person with a mind so abnormal and depraved was permitted to care for patients.

    February 2, 2022 at 3:07 AM
    I’ll give this to the old buzzard…He intuits emotional hunger in others better than most, given the harsh hand dealt to him by Mother Nature (that face!!!)…What a sick f@&k!

    January 23, 2022 at 1:42 PM
    He is going into Charles Manson territory.

    January 6, 2022 at 3:59 AM
    No one with one brain cell believes he has ever made any money from his collection of monkey poo called books. If he made 6 figures on his Flynn bio, those figures were 6 copper coins with Lincoln's head on them.

    December 23 2021:
    David Bret's level of lying is impossibly high, so high he should be rotting in jail for the all the lies he has wrought on humanity.

  2. David's examples further serve to show how depraved they are. They have no sense of self-awareness. She's over on her blog shrieking away as she plays the victim...... even as their horrible words are here for all to see.

  3. The fake writer known as EZ has lived a life of inflicting hate and hurt on others who are innocent. Karma is getting what "it" deserves or deserving what "it" gets.

  4. The individual who uses the pen name 'Evelyn Zumaya' does not show a shred of decency in the way that she treats others. Reading this litany of attacks on both David & Tracy there is no doubt that she is in the grip of extreme mental derangement. One might feel sorry for her if she didn't make it her mission in life to tear into other people like a mad dog.
    I've often thought in reading 'Zumaya' that she has a special hatred toward men (witness what she does to Valentino himself in her writings). While this does seem to be true, she also bares her fangs and pounces on women like Cindy Martin, Donna Hill, Eleanor Gribbin, Emily Leider, etc. etc.. So I guess she's an equal opportunity bully.

    1. NIckG what you said is very perceptive. I have often found myself downright astonished at the negative, demeaning way that Zumaya portrays Valentino.

      I sometimes ask myself: Why is she writing about him? To me, does she even like Rudolph Valentino? Overly eager to hold him to public ridicule as a drunk, a wife beater, dog abuser, blind in one eye, bad breath, calling his brother a bastard, a spreader of syphilis. If she likes him, and says those things, I would shutter to see what she'd say about him if she openly hated him!

      As far as Cindy Martin, she too has her own list of horrible horrible remarks that have sprung forth about her on Zumaya's blog. Same for David and Donna and to a lesser extent, Emily Leider. Evelyn once wrote that "we" deserved every single horrible thing said on her blog.

      Let there be no mistake.... what comes across is a woman who has suddenly realized the Valentino recognition she wants and desperately seems to need, only has it bestowed from herself or her husband, so comes across as empty and invalid.

      What is on display for the world to see is someone very bitter, very angry, someone who blames everyone BUT herself, for her troubles and this goes hand in hand with imo being wholly consumed by wanting to inflict revenge against those who she has publicly proclaimed as her enemies, who, in her opinion have prevented her from obtaining the coveted recognition she seeks.

  5. Her latest howler: After twenty some years and fifteen books on this subject, while doing my very best in every way...I deserve respect.

    A simple response. While we have moved on considerably with our lives (and I speak for ALL of us) in the past twenty-odd years, what has she achieved?


    She deserves what she has earned: ridicule and ostrasisation. And this she will earn in spades until Nelson gets his eye back!

    1. You are correct Sir, "it" deserves exactly what "it" dishes out. Karma.....

  6. Evelyn Zumaya has been as angry as a hornet over on her blog (admittedly not much different than any other day). Some people, in their responses to her, have been giving her a little pushback.

    In utter frustration Ms. Zumaya barked:
    "I will not post comments which are sent to scold me and lecture me in a demeaning way. After twenty some years and fifteen books on this subject, while doing my very best in every way...I deserve respect."

    A very insightful commentor responded:
    "Ms. Zumaya - In all sincerity, respect is not something that can be demanded. It must be earned & bestowed upon one by the admiration of a community".

    Another said:
    "To make a statement like "I deserve respect" is a sign that there is a sense of entitlement".

    So what was Evelyn's response? Among other things she said was this:
    "Everyone deserves respect....I have no sense of entitlement, never have".
    Further down the paragraph, after saying "everyone deserves respect", she showed her true colors:
    "People like you who do nothing at all to contribute are the lazy, entitled ones. Maybe instead of spending your day, sending in comments to my blog only as evidence of your disturbed mind, you could actually do something".

    Doesn't sound like having much respect for 'everyone' to me.

  7. I saw all of this that David & Tony are mentioning about Evelyn Zumaya saying she deserves 'respect'. You can't expect people to respect you if you are constantly tearing down others.

    She said something else that is very telling ---
    "I am not a person to adjust my thoughts, words, behavior out of a desire to be accepted by a "community".

    Yikes! Sounds like a sociopath's outlook on life.

  8. Amused that the person who writes under the pseudonym "Evelyn Zumaya" (paedophile fiction, homophobia and hate her speciality) now adds to her catalogue of errors by calling Rudy "The Chatelaine". Thus, in addition to all the other horrible things she has made up about him, she now calls him a woman. Had to happen sometime, I guess.

  9. I just finished reading the update and it smacks of hypocrisy by "it" at its finest.

  10. "He has purposely deceived my web traffic for more than a decade and the extent of this makes this criminal harassment..." What a load of old cobblers! If her books were any good, people would get them. "Evelyn Zumaya" diverts her own traffic because as soon as anyone (extant of the dozen or so "Anonymous" which are her) finds her blog, all they see are rants from a coterie of homophobic lunatics. And stop cackling about winning an Italian lawsuit, woman. You did not. The case was cancelled when you thought you'd be clever by having it transferred to a British court, spending many thousands of pounds doing so, and all for nothing. The British court threw it out. I owe you nothing. But, keep cackling. We both know the truth...

  11. This is my first time contributing here. Yesterday was also my first time contributing on Zumaya's blog. I will never write anything in again to her. She treated me with disrespect and scolded me for a very simple comment regarding the critiquing of her books. It was a simple comment on my part and she decided to get snarky.
    Obviously my brief experience with her is not nearly as bad as some other folks like Tracy and David. I sense she is a warped & mean spirited individual and I'll never contribute to her blog again. She can just keep on just responding over and over again to herself under various aliases and as 'Anonymous'. She obviously can't handle dealing with real human beings.

  12. Count me into the club of those attacked by Evelyn Zumaya when simply tried to contribute a comment on her blog. I gave her some pushback and she and the mad dogs that follow her also quickly tore into me.
    My crime? I protested her continued anecdotes about the late Fr. Michael Morris and how she says he called various Valentino enthusiasts names like "The Devil's Brigade", "Satan's Angels", etc.. I didn't know Michael Morris personally, but I don't for a minute believe any of that is true.
    What I can tell you is that I have an acquaintance who is a member of Morris' Dominican province. To put it bluntly, they know what a nutcase Zumaya is. It's also a fact, according to this Dominican, that Morris had no intention whatsoever of 'co-authoring' a book with her and that she basically ransacked source material he had.
    Then she slapped her name on a book along with his in a sorry attempt to get some mileage out of his previous work. Actually, at the end of his life, he was attempting in every way to extricate himself from her. She was reportedly at the point of behaving like a stalker. Fr. Morris's first mistake was opening a door and allowing Zumaya to enter into his life. It's a mistake he sadly apparently learned to regret over time.
    Evelyn Zumaya is a sick woman who will use anyone and anything to her advantage. Even the memory and work of a deceased person who cannot personally set the record straight.

  13. Her Projection Syndrome is kicking off again:
    The BMA Handbook defines the condition thus:
    Psychological projection and transference or projection bias, is a psychological disorder whereby people project their bad behavior, faults, failures, etc. onto another person, usually someone they do not like. They then attribute all of their failures onto others.

    Thus today she cackles, having claimed sales are down because of us: "We are thrilled with the success of our podcasts and books and living a wonderful, full life while you, apparently have nothing better to do than troll a blog you clearly hate... and all day long."

    The poor old dear, 74 in a few weeks time, clearly needs medication or perhaps a visit from those men in white coats.

  14. Evelyn Zumaya is so predictable. She cycles through topics that are contained in her books over and over again. For weeks all she posted was about was the one on the then underage Norma. Now she's settled in once more on Cué and that flop translation of his fan fiction that the 'husband' did. Next up might be Jeanne De Recqueville for several days (another of the multi-linguist's masterpieces).
    The purpose of focusing on each book for a given period over and over again is her attempt to spark interest in an unsuspecting readership.

  15. Everything that folks on this fine blog say about the so-called 'works' of Evelyn Zumaya seems to be pretty well accurate, in my opinion.

    I first came upon Valentino not through his movies but in a bookstore in Chicago. I saw a copy of Emily Leider's fine book DARK LOVER in the film section and I was immediately captivated by the image on the dustjacket and the supplied glowing reviews by recognized film scholars on the back of the jacket. I purchased the book, took it home, and I was hooked! I sought out his films and have never looked back in my appreciation for Rudy.

    I share this because today Evelyn Zumaya and her minions are attacking the integrity of Ms. Leider's fine book in an attempt to hawk Zumaya's own garbage. In a post Zumaya made entitled "An Eloquence of Silence", she and her followers are trying to make the case that Zumaya's AFFAIRS VALENTINO is "The Gold Standard" of Valentino studies. What a joke. I've never seen one legitimate publishing industry review of any of her books. It doesn't count when you review your own books on Amazon under various aliases.

    I did attempt to read Zumaya's book years ago, but was immediately turned off by the 'Forewarning' at the beginning. I could see right away that this book was the product of a very disturbed individual who feels the need to tear down others in a desperate attempt to build herself up. It's not an exaggeration for me to say that I felt physically ill when I read her 'Forewarning'. I have attempted others, like her ASTROID AFFAIRS VALENTINO, but they leave me cold due to their lack of real scholarship.

    Today Ms. Zumaya said "I think those people who send in comments to insult, defame and disturb consistently need to go away." Well, I can say I have not sent in anything to her that I believe was an 'insult', 'defamation' or 'attempt to 'disturb'. What I did do was try to engage her in clarifying the mission of her blog as well as it's relationship to this blog. Instead of a civil response, I was met with a disparaging remark from her and she immediately tore into Tracy's blog. Then her jackals tore into me with statements like:
    Anonymous: "Ann Fan : you are boring and mean spirited and miserable."
    Anonymous: "We all know who Ann Fan is. Epic fail on your part. Next time, try to be a bit more cagey. You suck at cloak and dagger."

    I'll indeed follow Ms. Zumaya's advice and never attempt to engage her again. As the old saying goes:
    "There's no reasoning with crazy or arguing with stupid. You've lost the conversation before it's even begun."

  16. "Evelyn Zumaya" has porn on the brain. In one of her books she is obviously thinking mucky thoughts when she confuses the Memorial Guild's Leslie Flint for porn baron Larry Flint, then goes on to call me "porn fiction writer". She's got Rudy humping under-aged girls when giving Norma Niblock's 90-year-old offspring something juicy (and fake) to remember their mother by. And today she has provided the icing on the cake...repeating a quote from her dead-as-a-doornail pal Richard Wayne Walker about yours truly:
    "Why don't assholes like David Bret get some kind of f******g CLUE?"
    This is he of the double-dentures, an aficionado of far-off climes and Buddha's teeth...a man who was as camp as the contents of Yma Sumac's jewellery-box and whose rantings proved that he hates the gay community as much as she does.

  17. I've found my way over to this new address and will mention the change to some of my other Valentino friends. I look forward to continuing the conversation about all things Valentino over here.

    For what seems like at least the thousandth time, 'Evelyn Zumaya' today posted what looks like a bit of a forged email from the late Rev. Michael Morris (her great 'friend' and 'collaborating biographer'). This is on a post she titles "Regarding the 'Handful of Depraved Friends' ". If this is not a forged email (& that's a big "if"), it's disgusting that 'Zumaya' would reformat it and put this content with the priest calling another human being 'Satan' out there for all to see. Real or not, she sinks to yet another new low in her efforts to boost up her trashy reputation.

    Actually, I guess the 'Satan' reference should not surprise anyone because most of what she does is disgusting.

  18. More recent comments she who screeches “Defamation” on a daily basis.

    June 27, 2022 at 10:20 PM
    Bret has probably burned more bridges than any other so-called entertainment biographer (or pornographer, in his case).

    June 28, 2022 at 12:33 AM
    David Bret is the scourge of the world of biographers.
    June 29, 2022 at 12:20 AM
    8:53 PM - You are definitely kinder than I. "Con Artist" is almost too gentle a way to describe Bret. "Trash Porn Fiction Writer" & "Sorry Excuse For A Human Being" is getting closer.

    Wednesday, June 29, 2022
    Why don’t assholes like David Bret get some kind of f*****g CLUE.

    June 30, 2022 at 4:31 PM
    As expected, the Hobgoblin/Porn Fiction Writer is as angry as a wet hen about this post. [the RWW one]. When will Bret the Loser ever realize that no rational person takes his rantings and ravings on Terhune's blog seriously?

    June 30, 2022 at 4:37 PM
    4:31: Yes, not the brightest bunch. And Porn Fiction Writer should realize no one cares about what he writes and it will all come to naught.

    June 27, 2022 at 10:20 PM
    Bret's Wiki profiles states: "He chiefly writes on the private life of film stars and singers". What BS. More like the private lives of stars and singers according to his own sick mind!

    June 25, 2022 at 7:56 PM
    There's definitely recognition in this list.....
    Terhune the 'gaslighting narcissist' and his ugly gnome lackey check all of the boxes…Unfortunately, people seem to love titillating gossip over the truth. Bret figured that out, but he is such a crummy writer that even the eager readers of lurid fiction won't buy his crap.

    June 30, 2022 at 4:47 PM
    Must be hard to be Bret in his dotage...sitting in his own waste....with no one taking him seriously.

    June 28, 2022 at 4:00 AM
    1:17: The "wrath of his madness" is on point. Over the years I was contacted by many of Bret's other victims. There were and are many.
    June 30, 2022 at 7:33 AM
    Well, 'My Goodness' @ 5:55 AM ...... Wonder who you are?
    Maybe the flabby, mascaraed Crypt Keeper?
    The Hobgoblin Porn Prince?

    June 28, 2022 at 8:53 PM
    Agreed. Bret is a con artist biographer. He's totally dismissed as a crackpot by serious writers. He should be as well by the VSC.

    June 13, 2022 at 11:17 PM
    The Hobgoblin can't cite his porn fiction, because he plagiarized his porn fiction from the porn fiction of Chaw Mank and Brad Steiger. When The Hobgoblin actually has to steal his porn fiction from other porn fiction, that is about as low as he can go.

    June 27, 2022 at 10:47 PM
    10:20: I think that Wiki page should read, "He chiefly writes on the private life of film stars and singers and people he pretends to have known, who are all dead as doornails

    June 28, 2022 at 6:49 AM
    What a moment in history here indeed with the meeting of Bret and Terhune. Two cretins link up. Twelve years later and all they share is the same sh*thole over on Terhune's hate blog.
    July 3, 2022 at 10:36 PM
    Please pardon my language, but, after ready what David Bret wrote about Ms. Zumaya, I can only say he is one sick MF.
    July 4, 2022 at 12:33 AM
    David Bret is like the scum that forms on a pond in the late summer. Smelly, probably disease ridden & all around gross. He has no business popping up in the VSC if they have any standards whatsoever. Anyone reading Evelyn's presentations can see that he is severely disturbed and possibly dangerous.

    June 28, 2022 at 6:24 AM
    Bret looked even more weird and strung out in 2010 than he does today. I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to look even worse.
    July 12, 2022 at 5:07 AM
    If Jean Acker was still living today, she would fit right in with Terhune, Bret, Martin, Constable & the rest of the horrid VSC!
    And finally, an absolute CORKER from “Renato Floris” where, in an attempt to boast how “intelligent and worldly” he is, he succeeds only in revealing that he is not on the same planet as the rest of humanity:

    Renato FlorisJuly 16, 2022 at 4:06 AM
    It's a long way to Tipperary but we're getting there, as the good soldier Šwejk reached České Budějovice. Enjoy the ride.

  19. 'Evelyn Zumaya' and her mate are all about themselves and nothing more. She is so mentally deranged that she needs to grasp onto something to give her sorry and sad life meaning since she is so empty inside. Rudolph Valentino is her obsession and she has crowned herself his all knowing widow. Anyone who steps on her "Valentino turf" gets the full force of her venom and hatred as we are witness to in this thread of attacks.

    In the world of a pathological narcissist like 'Evelyn Zumaya', everything is either black or white, good or evil depending on what she needs reality to be in the moment.

    Case in point.... Today she has a blog entry going about Baltasar Cue and that 'masterwork' of his that linguistically challenged Renato 'translated'. She's trying to get some interest going for this book due to the fact that sales of it never took off.

    We all know that Rudy's brother Alberto is a most despicable master villain according to 'Zumaya'. Yet she has published a lengthy letter supposedly from the hand of Alberto praising occasional fanzine writer Cue to high heaven for his post mortem work on Rudy.
    'Evelyn' herself comments: "This letter (from Alberto to Cue) is a great and credible testimony to Rudolph Valentino's friendship with Cue as well as Cue's, 'skill and honesty'."

    What? Alberto is supplying "great and credible testimony"? I thought Alberto was a complete scoundrel only interested in profiting off of his brother's name and estate (according to 'Evelyn' in so much of her other writings). Why should we hold any stock in what Alberto has to say about Cue's work based on what else 'Evelyn' has spewed about him as Rudy's brother over the years?

    The answer is simple. Alberto here is used as a pawn to prop up 'Evelyn's' pushing the Cue connection. Why? Only because the Floris dynamic duo hope to make a buck off of Renato's Google Translation of Cue and they need Alberto for credibility. Otherwise, Alberto is a no good so-and-so not to be trusted and 'Evelyn' will be the one to tell you that!

    This is one more example of the mad world according to 'Evelyn Zumaya'. The more you read her books searching for consistency, the more holes appear in 'Evelyn's' writings than in a pound of swiss cheese.

    The Alberto credibility issue is like the issue with Norma Niblock. In one book, 'Evelyn' has Norma as a scheming little underage tramp. In another book, Norma is a divine angel who lives in an exalted state. 'Evelyn' is not able to understand that people are people...flaws and all. I believe this why she sees anyone who disagrees with her as an enemy. She's simply not able to process reality any differently than through the lens of a majorly sick narcissist whose only point of reference is to make all things conform to her lunacy.

    1. Thank you Tony for writing this. You bring up a valid point when dealing with one Zumaya book vs. another, and you laid it all out in an articulate way.

      Evelyn has made no effort whatsoever to hide the negativity she harbors towards Alberto and his surviving family. What you pointed out is spot on.

      I would add to your list yet another shining example. In her first edition of Affairs Valentino, Evelyn wrote a scathing story about Alberto. She tells of Rudy and Ullman together waving goodbye from afar on the dock in New York to Alberto and his family, who were returning to Italy.

      Evelyn, using "quotes" in the book states Rudy turned to Ullman and said "I hope I never see the bastard again" WOW! Rudy said that to Ullman about his brother? Evelyn cited this quote as being from the original Ullman manuscript.

      Low and behold when she did get around to publishing the actual manuscript in a book titled 'The S. George Ullman Memoir' in 2014, on page 70 was the actual quote she had used in the earlier Affairs Valentino edition. There, in Ullman's own words were: "I hope I never see him again"

      What's that? One "quote" doesn't match the other?

      To make it more cutting, and cruel, Evelyn Zumaya decided to add the word BASTARD to the quote in her Affairs Valentino book. Three years later when the Ullman book came out she forgot how she had altered the wordage of the so called "quote" This is just another shining example of how Evelyn Zumaya operates.

      And she wonders why she is held in such low regard. Apparently, the only support she finds (and embraces) is from her own blog where not a single person openly identifies themselves, a clutch of snarky, spiteful older women - all bask in the shadows using anonymous monikers. Only she, and her husband post using a real name. No one else. Just read her comment sections. After doing so, you'll realize just why no one, and I mean NO ONE takes her seriously.

  20. Yep. Tony and Tracy have nailed it. There is a major issue here with Evelyn's using Alberto ("the Bastard" as Evelyn has called him) as someone who supplies "great and credible testimony" regarding Cue's legitimacy. Everywhere else Evelyn continually and unfairly trashes Alberto's trustworthiness. So, which is it Ms. Zumaya?

    Today, Evelyn is saying that enthusiasts in the Valentino community are "dismissing" and "lying" about Cue and Evelyn's other sources just to protect "their leader's fantasies".
    Besides being yet another cheap shot at Tracy, I'd also say: What a load of horsesh*t ! No, Ms. can't have it both ways. Folks wanting to research and learn about Valentino are simply seeking to use the tools of facts...and not how one wants to twist the facts to make a predetermined case like you do regularly.

    Evelyn wants to sell books of Cue's writings that she has lifted and that Renato has now run through his translation software and they are presenting this as their own. Fair enough, I guess. At this point, it's in the public domain and they can pilfer it freely and charge for it. But let's not build this up as something that it's not by using the "great and credible testimony" of Alberto (whom Evelyn otherwise paints as despicable) to endorse it.

  21. Evelyn's biographical duplicity is on full display here. Tony, trt96 and Jenny lay out the case well using these examples. If one is telling the truth, there's no need to worry about being tripped up down the line by a changing story.

  22. The only legacy "it" will leave will be one of published lies and deceit. "It" really does need to quit and stop the nonsense.

  23. She mocks our work, when her own leaves everything to desire. She mocks our personal lives and the way we live, saying of herself, "I have been so fortunate in life to have lived in comfort surrounded by love and beauty..." Really? She gives every impression that her entire existence is a catalogue of misery, and that she is permanently enclosed in a gloom-filled cocoon of desperation, spite and hatred. Finally she mocks the way we dress, writing that we wear dirty clothes and sit in our own waste matter...then, to make a point about her own sartorial elegance, she posts a picture of herself looking like a dumpy, black-clad bag-lady, literally, one of those you see stomping around town, chewing tobacco-root and wearing a permanent scowl. If you're going to criticise others, lady, might I suggest you put your own house in order first?

    1. "She gives every impression that her entire existence is a catalogue of misery, and that she is permanently enclosed in a gloom-filled cocoon of desperation, spite and hatred."

      Well said, David. Her 'rinse & repeat' style of woe-is-me.

      She just keeps saying the same thing over and over again. The only change being she has to spin the Wheel of Hate to find who's name she will insert into that particular day's blog.

      Snarky bitter comments from heavyset older ladies who's plus size figures are kept well fed, thrive on Zumaya's hate within their shallow lives and then follow her lead and start the usual attacks on that particular person selected from Evelyn Zumaya's Wheel of Hate.

  24. The targets of Zumaya's hatred are basically any individuals who are not somehow bowing down to her and proclaiming her the "Valentino goddess".
    I stated this over on Cindy Martin's blog....and I really do believe it. As mentioned, lately Zumaya has been beating the drum regarding Baltasar Cue and his writings about Rudy (to attract sales of Renato's 'translation'). Cue rates words like 'fascinating' and 'distinguished' from Zumaya simply because she and Renato got their greedy paws on his material and made it their own with yet another half cocked book. Kind of like they ransacked the work of Michael Morris and now make claim to it for themselves with Evelyn as co-author.
    I believe that if Zumaya and Floris didn't have the opportunity to hijack Morris' work, they would be dismissing his writings like they dismiss other authors such as Emily Leider, Donna Hill and David Bret. If someone else had started publishing Cue, they would trash that as well.
    It may sound harsh, but when it comes down to it, Evelyn and Renato are really only about Evelyn and Renato.

  25. Looks like the pointer on her Wheel of Hate needle landed on Brad Steiger tonight. Amusing too that she, who is obsessed with Rudy's sexuality and loves nothing more than attacking all things gay, should call him homophobic. But at the end of the day, these statements of hers are as defunct as she is.

  26. Tonight's spinning of the Zumaya Wheel of Hate did land on Mr. Steiger. However, there's enough hate left over as she also spitefully referenced both David and Cindy Martin as well.
    Her inner spirit is as black as the Theda Bara style kohl cosmetics she uses around those "crazy eyes" of hers.

  27. That blog entry of Evelyn's this 22 July titled "Verbatim" is one of her most unhinged in recent memory. She's got lots of fake identities going in the comments section and she is especially offensive tonight.
    If she wasn't such a nasty piece of work, I'd say it sad that Evelyn is now a septuagenarian who spends her days and nights in grimy darkened rooms living out, via a keyboard, a creepy crush on a long dead silent film actor. She seems to have no life beyond this. Her current husband doesn't seem to be addressing the crazy that he is living with either.

  28. And every time a new name pops up, she automatically thinks that it's me. One can only imagine the steam coming out of the chimney-pot each time she has one of these episodes. But I don't mind. When she's going cuckoo and having a go at me, she's leaving somebody else alone. Well, for an hour or so.

  29. In one of her recent aliases ('Claire Voyance'), the crone who also calls herself 'Evelyn Zumaya' makes a disparaging remark about people who reside in mobile homes or government housing.
    Anything is better than spending your life (like Evelyn) on the lam; one step ahead of accountability. She's been constantly moving around here, there and everywhere in the hopes that she can escape the disaster that is her past life. I wouldn't say latching onto a former "Child Star", "Google Translate Operator" & "Bogus Count" is any badge of honor. Also, wallowing in darkened room, smelly squalor is certainly no way to thrive.

  30. “Evelyn Zumaya” becomes angrier by the day, and for what? For the sake of getting angry, all a proven part of her quite obviously empty existence extant of her obsession with a century-dead movie star’s sex life. Her obsession with the VSG (the name SHE came up with, not the other way around) is etched inside her head inasmuch as those hideous tattoos are etched elsewhere. She posts an item which is of no concern to us, yet always manages to drag us into it, with as many insults as she can muster…while screeching “Defamation!” from the rooftops. She claims that I have described her as living in “squallid” conditions (I have not) while writing that I live in government housing (I do not) and that I spend all day sitting in my own waste matter. She offers “proof” of her “exclusives” (copied from the Internet, from her own “groundbreaking” books), and is now carping that there has been grave-robbery afoot, with Him Indoors saying that the “bress-lett” was stolen. I’m waiting for another deathbed confession (five so far, to five different people and from a man able to speak while unconscious). And to prove what I for one thought was impossible, given the time she spends attacking everyone (27 social media sites to date, 7 currently in 24/7 use), she now reveals another exclusive…that she DOES have time to eat. Yes, folks, there are now photographs of food platters (which I wouldn’t eat to save my life)—and today, a list of all the things she ate yesterday. She writes about watching the neighbours watering the lawn, and of her ancient trees…as if none of us have neighbours and might not know what a tree is, though one might muse if their barks are as gnarled as she is. Today, she says that she has never been in any Facebook group…while for years she has claimed to have been kicked out of them. Today, she also opines about us not rolling out the red carpet for her and offering her a pot of tea in appreciation of her “discoveries”. Not so long ago, she wrote that if one of us schlepped up on her doorstep and asked to partake of one of Renato’s “fabulous seven-course dinners” (sausages obligatory), the door would be slammed in our face. Yes, she really does have that kind of high opinion of herself and the Seven-Languages Super-Chef…an image which goes well with her spouse shuffling around in his cotton suit and Panama hat, sneering down his nose at the sniggering “lesser mortals”.

  31. Just for the record....
    Today, 7/24/22, Evelyn Zumaya posted responses to her own blog entries DONE AND DONE announcing her new podcast and the blog entry link to the podcast itself THE RUDOLPH VALENTINO SLAVE BRACELET MYSTERY. These are amongst the most disgusting things I've read on her hate blog (and that is saying a lot!). She especially attacked Tracy in a very vile and evil way. Just when you thought she couldn't , she's hit yet another low.

    Not surprisingly, she's now flipped a switch and made all of the comments disappear. Perhaps she's coming down off of another wild, out of control mental episode and she's now scampering to cover her tracks. This seems to happen about once a week these days.

    Lady, if you are reading this, you and your current spouse are some of the worst trash human beings I've had the misfortune of encountering.

  32. Well, I guess Tracy has more evidence of derogatory quotes from 'Evelyn Zumaya' and her various personalities to post from her recent blog post THE VALENTINO SLAVE BRACELET SOLVED. It seems she gets more batshit crazy in her hatred as the Annual Memorial approaches. What nutcases she and her "Google Translate" using husband.

  33. Evelyn Zumaya caused me to chuckle this morning.

    She's been trying to get her cackling barnyard hen followers to "ooh" & "ahh" over a 1925 novelty coin that was once given out as a promotion in conjunction with the original theater showings of THE EAGLE. Tracy would know more, but these coins were mass produced for advertising purposes for the movie....being distributed in the hopes of drawing patrons in to see the movie.

    Writing under the alias of "Nathan G" and attempting to prove great value for the coin she is showing off, Zumaya has this fake person "Nathan G" making a big show of saying they quote "Just bought one from Julien's Auction House for $384". Problem is, that particular coin that she (or rather "Nathan G") pretends to own was actually sold at Julien's for $384 back in 2013....nearly 10 years ago. "Nathan G" then goes on to give a little history on the coin they claim they bought which is lifted directly from the decade old online Julien's lot description!

    Whoever bought that coin a decade ago for that price must have got caught up in auction fever. There are currently 2 available on eBay for $14.99 each. They just need some spit polish to be shiny again. Regardless, the buyer back in 2013 obviously wasn't "Nathan G" (aka Evelyn Zumaya) and the auction didn't "just happen" as they claim.

    Evelyn just cut and pasted the 2013 Julien's description and sale price which is still online today. Sounds like a typical Evelyn Zumaya research job. Find something online, print it without citation and then use it in any way you want to serve your purpose. Meanwhile, the gullible Zumaya cult members will eat up these kind of little dishonest morsels thrown out to them by Evelyn.

    1. The point here is well taken. Evelyn Zumaya did a cut and paste job of the auction archive listing she found online about this little collectible. Then she put the verbatim words of the auction description into the mouth of one of her multiple personalities in a comment to herself. It is hilarious that she has her alias stating they "just bought" the coin from the same place/exact same price it was sold for a decade ago.
      The least Evelyn could have done would have been to just say she was copying info. about the little coin from an old auction lot description. Then she could have labeled it as one of her ground breaking "discoveries" that all should be impressed with.
      As it is, rather than a "Zumaya discovery", we have a bit of plagiarism. Wonder how much of the rest of the "Zumaya canon" has been compiled with this method!

  34. Dear Jenny and Renado. You have witnessed my Machiavellian streak! Every time anyone criticises her, even in a minor way, she screeches that's it's me when it's not. So, I played a little trick on her and posted the piece under the alias, "Nathan G", just to prove (and it worked) how gullible she is. Had I posted this under my own name, of course, she would have gone ape as usual and accused me of being a collector, buying items to prevent "the truth" from being told. And as you say, she never bothers to check these things, whether as herself or as one of her many aliases. Otherwise she would have known that I could not have bought one of those coins as, like you say, they were up for sale a decade ago! Ditto her "Anonymous" variations when she is screeching about our "misdeeds". This is why no one questions WHY she has allegedly been given "so much grief", and what SHE has done to us, and to me before I had even heard of her. Because these people are all her! And don't believe all the baloney about her being in hiding. There is no authority on this planet who would not investigate when someone claims to have been in hiding for TWELVE years! She's making it all up!

  35. That's hilarious, David!

    She responded to YOU:
    "3:43: Interesting. How wonderful to own one...." !

    She's going to flip her black-as-night dyed wig when she reads this!

  36. Yep, I know those "Anonymous" & other responder identities are mostly all her. More than once, I've sent a comment over and she didn't publish it. Yet minutes later, either "Anonymous" or one of her other aliases has commented on the subject matter I wrote about that did not visibly appear on the blog
    What also cracks me up is when Evelyn writes a comment to herself posing as someone who is nearly illiterate. I think she does this on purpose to make it seem like it's really one of her dim witted fans.

  37. Well, the Zumaya WHEEL OF HATE has been spinning furiously today! In fact, it looks like Evelyn spun it more than once. In her singular post entitled THE SOURCE (July 27) we see attacks in the comments on Tracy Terhune, David Bret, Emily Leider, Donna Hill, Cindy Martin and (a new one) esteemed film historian Kevin Brownlow. The Kevin Brownlow comments on THE SOURCE thread show what an unstable individual Zumaya really is.

    Early on in the comments, Evelyn claimed that Kevin Brownlow read her AFFAIRS VALENTINO manuscript in it's early stages, was chummy with her in Turin in 2009 over dinner and that they attended together the premiere of Kevin's restoration of THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE. She described him as "ever gracious and gentlemanly" & that she is "forever grateful to him".

    Then a commentor challenged her asking why Mr. Brownlow publicly endorsed Emily Leider's DARK LOVER but we've never heard any such endorsement of AFFAIRS VALENTINO (btw, who has endorsed Zumaya's work?).

    Well, the tide turned very quickly on that thread and Zumaya, backed into a corner, lashed out. She had a LONG screed about how the usual people she spews venom about basically poisoned the well of critical opinion when it comes to AFFAIRS VALENTINO (including with Mr. Brownlow, apparently in her mind).

    What followed is truly weird. I'm copying it because it's such a 180 degree turn she made in just one single blog thread. I think this may be her commenting to herself as 'For Whom The Bell Tolls' :
    For Whom the Bell Tolls July 28, 2022 at 12:08 AM
    A couple of comments: personally, I have not found what I have seen and heard from Kevin Brownlow to be terribly impressive. His presentation at the Turin conference was self indulgent and graceless. The contributions from Evelyn, Michael Morris and Villalobos were far more revelatory and appropriate to the occasion. Moreover, Bownlow’s inane questions to Jean Valentino during the brief interview from the 70s circulating on YouTube squandered the interview’s potential value. I guess as long as sycophants like Hill are happy to kiss his backside the myth that he possesses unique gravitas persists.

    Evelyn Zumaya July 28, 2022 at 12:18 AM
    12:08: Bravo. Well said. 👌
    This shows the inconsistent lunacy of Zumaya (displayed in one single thread) and her illogical hatred of anyone that is not her or serving her in some way.

    1. Yes, Tony I too was surprised at her uncalled for swipe at the legendary Kevin Brownlow.
      Yet if you look at it, her back story was quite telling. She started out bragging on how
      she (not us) was invited to sit next to Mr Brownlow, to see a restoration screening, and later
      to have dinner with him.

      In a later comment she lets slip that there actually were a lot of people at that table and basically admitted
      that she was no more than Michael Morris' +1 I am sure if Affairs Valentino was even brought up it was
      because Michael Morris mentioned it and if she truly did send him a hard copy of it, I can assure you it's long been
      deposited into the recycling bin.

      Mr. Brownlow, someone who's accomplishments are unimpeachable, someone who has been given an Academy Award for his preservation of silent films,
      who commands respect without question as to it's merit.

      Then my jaw dropped reading the comment (perhaps written by her?) attacking the integrity of Mr Brownlow which was bad enough, only to see her "Bravo. Well said" comment.
      Wow. Just wow. New Low. Should I add Kevin Brownlow to the Wheel of Hate?

      It's always stuck me as odd how Michael Morris championed her and her over the top, brash, accusatory style
      of dealing with people. If it wasn't for Morris she wouldn't have been invited ANYWHERE.

      He was the one invited to the Turin conference, but insisted she be invited as well. She had written nothing at that time.

      He was the one who introduced her to Renato Floris

      Meeting Bill Self was through Michael Morris, and Bill didn't want to meet her, and he told me Morris "leaned"
      on him "as a personal favor" to get him to meet with Zumaya. She left such a non-footprint on his memory that in
      a short time he could hardly recall her name. Bill's wife Peggy did not like Zumaya and told me she wanted to squirt her with the
      hose as she walked up the walkway.


      The other thing today I want to call attention to is that because I wrote a blog entry around 2014 and used the word 'karma' and then today someone wrote as
      'anonymous' and used that word in their comment, she automatically is now saying it has to be me who wrote that.

      No, it wasn't. I have never posted over on her blog under any name nor under anonymous. If I have something to say, my blog is where you will find me. I do wish whoever
      posted that will write either on her blog (but she may not approve the comment) or post here and admit that it was not ME who wrote that
      post. You don't have to give your real name but if you'd kindly step forward and state for the record that it was not me. I do not post over
      on her blog and have no intention of starting now.

      Zumaya has a long history of accusing people of being other than who they are. She accused Cindy Martin of being Simon Constable and also
      of being Jeanine Villalobos. Every other negative comment on her blog she or her alter ego posters, accuse David Bret of being the author of it.

      Now apparently my turn to be falsely accused. Yes, the "Wheel of Hate" arrow was spinning like mad today.

    2. Those little bugs have finally built a nest inside her head and the eggs have hatched!

      She says that Kevin Brownlow read her book BEFORE it was published? A bit like boasting how Lady Gaga was going to do great things with it…then went on to say how the singer was well-used to abuse because she had been born ugly and had a big nose. Trash-can, here we go! Then we have her posting a letter from Mr. Teeth (Richard Wayne Walker), a screaming hinny so OTT camp that he even made Michael Morris look butch—saying how he bought the book TWO YEARS before it was published.

      And why on earth would anyone be jealous of HER?

  38. AnonymousJuly 28, 2022 at 3:16 AM
    Is Terhune trying to impress David Bret with his use of "naff all?" Or just throwing him under the bus?
    Not sure what Evelyn Zumaya means by this. Then again, her persistent anger causes her to spout a great deal of rubbish. Sorry to disappoint her, but I am Mandy Mae, and I stand by what I posted on her Blog. She and her husband are truly awful, intensely disliked people. All of her woes began with that nasty “Forewarning”, which as we all know ended her “career” before it ever began.
    And as I recall, she posted a lengthy series of communications between herself and Brad Steiger, not just the one as she says.

  39. Something unique happened today on Evelyn Zumaya's blog. In her post entitled "Some Documentation" she FINALLY made a statement of fact that I can agree with her on:

    Evelyn Zumaya July 29, 2022 at 6:55 PM
    "I look ghastly most days".

  40. A classic one from “Evelyn Zumaya”:

    Evelyn Zumaya July 29, 2022 at 6:55 PM
    6:51: I am not so in favor of criticizing how anyone looks. I look ghastly most days.

    And below, more examples of how she does not practice what she preaches:

    July 24, 2022 at 8:33 PM
    He, Bret and Shady Ma won’t require Halloween costumes to terrify the neighbourhood children in October.

    July 29, 2022 at 4:54 PM
    is an individual who literally revels in excrement. And for the record, it is his “wife” who is the Valentino widow in this picture. She is married to a ghoul with dead eyes and a withered soul. They honeymooned in hell.

    July 29, 2022 at 5:31 PM
    4:54, the idea of Bret on a honeymoon literally brought bile to my throat. I'm sure it did his wife's, also.

    July 29, 2022 at 6:28 PM
    Nothing can hide the ugliness of Bret on Terhune's blog... Not even something like the heavy mascara and pancake makeup that Terhune wears to record Crypt Fest preview videos.

    July 29, 2022 at 6:52 PM
    6:45: Bret is just the snarling junk yard dog on a very short leash which greets you at the gate.

    July 25, 2022 at 5:20 PM
    The terrible trio need only to purchase some cheap mirrors to understand what ugly really means.

    July 26, 2022 at 3:51 PM
    6:33, TRT may allow the Hobgoblin to opine on his social platforms, but he would never, ever let the little creep near his precious Memorial. Hypocrisy, thy name is Terhune.

    July 23, 2022 at 2:42 AM
    Shady Ma and her Hobgoblin only have each other. As much as they pretend to have so many connections, they can only go so far in a trailer park and government housing.

    July 22, 2022 at 2:45 AM
    David "Hobgoblin" Bret, you are really bonkers. Dial back the lunacy, you little schizo, or your buddy TRT will be visiting you in the cracker factory, if you are not there already.

    July 22, 2022 at 3:33 AM
    1:07 You are the walking disaster professionally and privately.

    July 22, 2022 at 3:39 AM
    The closest he ever got to a "celebrity" was in a hospital with the notorious JS.

    July 19, 2022 at 12:43 AM
    Bret, the tiny Hobgoblin of Hate, who only wishes he had some hair and enough shillings to hit a dime store.

    July 17, 2022 at 7:54 PM
    6:20 PM Vile cretin is not strong enough to describe Bret.

  41. It's that time again. Today Evelyn Zumaya once more pulled the plug on the comment history on her hate blog. She had a pair of exceptionally nasty blog entries going at the time and was responding continually to herself over and over.
    I respect both David and Tracy for their contributions to the world of Valentino enthusiasts. Obviously one of Evelyn's many personalities doesn't:

    Ali Gator July 31, 2022 at 5:16 AM
    David Bret is truly one of vilest creatures on this planet. Reading his trash makes one long for a Silkwood shower. And this roach is front and center on Tracy Terhune's social media platforms. Perhaps, at his Crypt Brouha, Terhune can read some of the delightful posts he himself wrote on Bret's blogs, no doubt inspired by his muse, David Bret.

    You won't find that one on Zumaya's blog anymore as she's scrubbed it. What a nasty woman.

  42. Zumaya was going full on crazy today with her blog entry
    'Exquisite Words'

    This was yet another of her odes to Michael Morris and the "collaboration" that they shared in bringing to life what she claims to be Rev. Morris's posthumous book on Natacha Rambova (with herself as co-author, of course).

    What she didn't like were a couple of commentors pushing back a bit on that story. They were asking her some questions about the details of that "collaboration"... and she (predictably) went ballistic.

    She started huffing and puffing about how Rev. Morris's "...religious order negotiated the new contract and insisted I be co-author for various reasons to do with liability.".

    What the heck does that mean?

    She also claims that Morris's sister
    "...asked me to complete his book."

    When a commentor mentioned the possibility of having the Dominican order and Rev. Morris's sister verify her claims, Zumaya came back with stating she did not want to "...compromise confidential business agreements and the personal information of other people."

    Probably realizing she was digging herself in pretty deep with all of this that could be checked out, she promptly called one of the commentors a "chicken shit" and then promptly made all of the comments magically disappear.

  43. I saw some of this. The comment about me was definitely her as she’s posted a similar spiel before, and I suspect the replies were her, too. What amused me the most was her comment that she had proof that I had contacted the immigration office to have her deported back to America from Italy! I would love to see this!

    I can assure everyone that I certainly did not! For one thing, I wouldn’t have a clue how to do this, or the authority to make such a request, which I suspect would have to come from the police. For another, and I am sure that everyone reading this will agree with me, Evelyn Zumaya is best off staying where she is, thousands of miles out of the way. I would not wish to foist her back on the doorstop of the American public, and in particular upon my American friends, not in a million years!

    I had just read this when another comment appeared, I should imagine a rare one NOT by her, accusing her of HATE and SPITE (this was in caps) and stating that someone would contact Padre Liberace’s sister and his former employers to ask if they had approved a contract, bearing in mind that there are no such things for self-published books…and also if they had agreed the $50 selling price. I had barely finished reading this when the whole lot disappeared!

  44. The Floris’ have such fulfilled lives! Really?

    “Evelyn Zumaya” aka The Paedophile Fiction Writer rounded off July with the statement, “You and your sycophants have tried for years to portray me as insane.”

    This is not true. The lady (a term I use loosely) managed to do this very well all on her own, and has now added another notch to her whip of hate…a blog wherein she includes the “hate messages” she has received. If she has truly received almost a thousand of these, then common sense should tell her that she is very definitely doing something wrong. I have known arch criminals and even serial killers not getting that many.

    She of course, never posts words of hate, as the following ably proves, added to the collection:

    July 31, 2022 at 5:16 AM
    David Bret is truly one of vilest creatures on this planet. Reading his trash makes one long for a Silkwood shower.
    Elsewhere she crows:
    They never achieved what they wanted in life, tormented by broken dreams and desires. One over lost youth, one over a failed writing career and one who never got people's respect because of their attitude.

    Broken dreams and desires? This coming from someone whose life, by her own admission, has comprised one self-inflicted disaster after another!

    Lost youth? This coming from a couple, both heading towards EIGHTY, who spend their dotage spewing spite—a fine legacy to leave their loved ones, if they have any!

    Failed writing career? This coming from a woman banned by EVERY aspect of the media? Is there anything, professionally, that she has actually SUCCEEDED with?

    Attitude? Good heavens, she needs to look no further than the hole under nose for that one!

    And finally she tells one of her critics: Put your name on your defamation.

    This coming from the PFW who spends her entire day NOT putting her name on her defamation. “Evelyn Zumaya” will never win any plaudits for literary ambition, but when it comes to hypocrisy, she is top of the heap…the manure heap, that is!

    Kookie Rabble by name, Kookie Rabble by nature. One would feel sorry for this pair if they were not so egotistically pathetic!

    I’m also curious about the title of her new screamfest.

    My Hater’s Delusional Miscellany…

    So now there is just ONE hater? She obviously has hate-induced memory problems since she adopted the pseudonym “Anonymous”. First it is me attacking her in the posts she pens herself; then it is Tracy, then it is Cindy, then she remembers that she hasn’t accused Donna or Simon for a while…and she mustn’t miss out Eleanor. And of course, because she thinks she is God’s gift to the world and beloved my all Mankind, we all acquire aliases…seventeen so far, for me! To say that she persistently screeches that none of us are worth writing about, she does a heck of writing!

    But, while she is attacking us, she is leaving others alone…and I speak for all of us when I say that the ramblings of a spiteful old woman will always be water off a duck’s back.

    1. David: I doubt I could have put it better, myself. I especially was amused when she demanded that her critics put their name on their comments. LOL. Was it not SHE who recommended that they remain 'Anonymous' out of 'fear for them' that we may do something dastardly to them? What a nutcase. One might think Evelyn would have gotten better through the years, but she has just gone further around the bend. While the experiences have made US stronger, they have worn on her deeply. Sad, really.

  45. There are so many exterior signs that something is a bit off with Zumaya...especially for an elderly woman who is now in her mid-70's. There are the garish tattoos & dressing like a goth (definition: a person who wears mostly black clothing, uses dark dramatic makeup, and often has dyed black hair). There's the harsh voice barking out when she's filming videos of her "husband" quietly working in the kitchen. She also has what my dear grandmother used to call "crazy eyes".
    All very unsettling.

  46. Ms. Zumaya is getting more and more careless as time goes on. Today, Aug. 5, in her blog post entitled ' Her "Impression of the Place" ' she claims "When I began to finish Michael Morris' posthumous book, I did not know much about Natacha Rambova's Egyptian years. In completing Michael's negotiations to publish some of Natacha's life thesis, I was required to read and understand her work."
    What a load of malarky that is.
    Anyway, Ms. Zumaya has a scan of a page from a typewritten letter supposedly authored by Natacha Rambova in 1947. Of course, she has her watermark on it. One insightful commentor (who was not her apparently) made the observation that biographers typically do not put their personal watermark on actual images of another person's written work.
    Zumaya's reply? She said the letter was "hers" and that she "owns" HER OWN WORK like this letter. She next posted that she just realized she had been accused of forgery.
    Of course, that little exchange has now been wiped from the comments.

  47. Tony: Perhaps Evelyn has wiped all her comments from her blog or cherry-picked them from time-to-time. Her proof of forgery is still on my blog and will be forever. She cannot wipe those blogs clean, just as she cannot wipe the comments off this blog we are now posting on. She has worked herself into the proverbial corner on her fabrication of documents and starting that new blog ... well, that will backfire on her in the worst way, I believe. Well, I'm wandering back over to where I belong, now!

  48. Evelyn Zumaya popped her top today in her post SMART LADY. Most of it is now wiped clean...but here are few gems from her ever charming replies.
    This one is to a commentor who questioned her use of her personal watermark on other people's property:

    Zumaya: ".....And my "hated watermark"? Only hated by you dear, jealous, jealous you. In answer to your question about "Who are you to grant access...etc.". FYI, I have had legal custody and guardianship of Michael Morris' archive for five years now. It has been and is an interesting role and one I take with all seriousness. If someone wants to use the letters, I assess the project and if I approve, I will grant permission and watermark is gone. I believe Terhune slaps his "graffiti" all over the place. Your attention to this only reveals your stunning lack of knowledge about copyright and protection thereof."

    This next was in reply to a commentor who questioned why she cannot get a legitimate publishing house to handle her work:

    Zumaya: "You speak for the publishing industry? Hahahahahaha. No you sure do not. I am very happy with my publisher. And if the "Zumaya brand" is so ignored... why are you sad folks GLUED to this blog. Not missing a word of it. On the contrary... you fear the "Zumaya brand"... sweating bullets over there."

    "The Husband" felt the need to jump in as well:

    Renato: "We are living a perfect creative life and nothing can stop what we are doing. Your hatred is useless, boring and pathetic!"

  49. Her words.....
    "You fear the "Zumaya brand"... sweating bullets over there."

    She truly has gone around the bend.

  50. "No one should ever have to be subjected to a non-stop barrage of personal insults..."
    Thus speaks Evelyn Zumaya, on yet another shut-down of the comments on her blog.
    Hmm...doesn't practice what she preaches, does she?

  51. I saw this as well, David. Evelyn said: "I was subjected to some heavy, incredibly stupid accusations from the usual bad individuals; those blights on the Valentino landscape".
    Really? I'd say she's the Queen of "stupid accusations". For instance, she is constantly accusing me of being someone that I am not and has made many snide remarks about me. Her minions (the ones that aren't actually her responding to herself) are just as bad doing this kind of thing to others.

  52. Today Evelyn Zumaya posted a blog entry attempting to paint Natacha Rambova as some kind of warm, good hearted pet owner because she had the lion club Zela in her arms in a photo. I've always felt uncomfortable with the reality of the lion cub as part of Rudy's story.
    Who in their right mind would think it's good idea to have a wild animal, a lion cub, as a pet? Natacha Rambova, that's who. I agree with Evelyn's statement in her post that caring for pets is rewarding for both owner and pet. However, it's beyond selfish and reckless to have something like a lion cub around. I wonder if it was illegal then as it is now to have one in a private residence. Maybe others reading this know more.
    I tend to think that the only reason Rambova wanted something like that was for photo opportunities in the hopes that "Exotic Pet Owner" would increase her chances of being thought of as some "Mysterious Exotic Woman".
    Not one of Rudy's best moments going along with that.
    Of course, Evelyn concludes her post with this:
    "Read more of Zela's story in Affairs Valentino".

  53. Interesting post, Tony. I had never thought about the use of the lion cub Zela as a prop for Natacha to promote her own brand of being an "exotic". You are right, rational human beings who are not trained do not have any business having lions as pets. Somehow Ms. Zumaya equates having a lion with adopting a rescue dog. Not much logic from her there.

    And yes, you are also correct that the whole point of that post by her entitled THE RESCUES was for her to get to the final line:
    "Read more of Zela's story in Affairs Valentino".

    Shameless self-promotion is always the name of the game with Ms. Zumaya.

  54. Just checking in. I agree as well in finding "Evelyn Zumaya's" comments inane as she compares Natacha Rambova having a lion cub as being like someone who has rescued a dog. I noticed that she kind of tried to step back from it a bit by later posting photos of Rambova with small dogs later in life. She must own those snapshots of Rambova with the dogs since she put her tacky watermark on them. Actually, she puts that watermark on everything...surprised she hasn't tattooed an AFFAIRS VALENTINO watermark on Renato's forehead.
    Speaking of Renato, someone recently wrote in this comment on her blog:
    "Evelyn and Renato have a vibrant, loving marriage, shared professional work they are passionate about, and a glamorous bi-continental lifestyle".
    That comment made "Evelyn Zumaya" all excited!

    "A glamorous bi-costal lifestyle"??? Have admit... that one made me laugh out loud!

  55. much for Chrome filling in words.

    Last line above should have read (regarding the Zumaya/Floris partnership):

    "A glamourous bi-continental lifestyle" ????? Have to admit...that one made me laugh out loud!

  56. If the so-called "generous soul" is screening the comments coming in, and Evelyn only gets the positive ones, there must be no responses from a real human being for her to read.
    Also, if true, she really is living fully in a bubble of unreality. Not capable of engaging with actual living and breathing people.

  57. On Sept. 8, Evelyn Zumaya topped even herself. First let me say I am disgusted with her post entitled "Seems More to the Point to Me".
    Tracy's original photo of himself inside The Church Of The Good Shepherd is an interesting picture to me for several reasons. One is to get a glimpse of comparison of how the interior of the church looked in 1926 and how it looks today after the liturgical reforms of Vatican II.
    Zumaya took Tracy's dignified photo and did what is basically mean spirited digital graffiti. Zumaya has no shame and I hope Tracy gets satisfaction for this extreme insult to Tracy himself, Valentino's legacy and the Catholic Church.

    1. Don't worry Tony. Evelyn lives in her own world of delusion. She doesn't even know the difference between my or my mother Cindy.

  58. p.s. I'd like to move my comment just posted to the latest post ILLEGAL.

  59. I was not surprised when I saw that Evelyn Zumaya launched into an attacking tirade about both Emily Leider's and David Bret's Valentino books on her post entitled SO HERE IT GOES from 9/20/22. She puffs herself up at the beginning of that post as a person who is qualified to comment on both of those authors' works.
    I think she falsely flatters herself. Valentino enthusiasts don't even give a whit about what she thinks or believes about Ms. Leider's book, Mr. Bret's book or any other Valentino biographies. Witness the fact that Zumaya's books are never mentioned on the Facebook groups or other Valentino themed social media sites. Nobody pays attention because her stuff has always been considered fringe type of material.
    People have only so much time to give to pursuits like reading and most concur that it's best not to even go down the rabbit hole with her "discoveries".

    1. p.s. I submitted a slightly edited version of what I wrote above @5:53 PM to Zumaya's blog. I had to do so under an alias there because she won't publish anything with the name "Tony" attached to it. Of course, she went for the jugular in her response....accusing me of following "The Leader". It's the same old song she's constantly singing...just a different day.

  60. Tracy: Although I'm sure it is frustrating to see Zumaya continue attacking, I think it's smart to keep posting the list of hateful things she and her devotees are writing on her blog. It shows the world what a mean spirited piece of work she really is (as well as being a hypocrite).

    1. Thanks, (The Other) Renato, I absolutely plan to continue adding to this page the direct quotes of the defamation from Evelyn Zumaya's blog, which is quietly being documented and sourced.

      By compiling this list it rips the fake "victim" mask off of Evelyn Zumaya. These quotes for the first time publicly exposes her hypocrisy. She is guilty "In Her Own Words"

    2. Agreed that it's a good move to continue documenting Evelyn Zumaya and her minions and the garbage they spew. It seems daily she attempts to play the martyr with her claims of being "attacked", "victimized", "gaslighted", "abused" etc. etc.
      A few moments scrolling through her posts tell a very different story. This is a person who relishes doing the very things she absurdly claims only happen to her.

  61. As she does regularly when she comes down off of one of her "episodes", Evelyn Zumaya currently has disabled comments on her blog once again. All the better to spin her Wheel Of Hate and not give anyone an opportunity to challenge the venom she spews forth about various individuals. Today she's rehashing old Facebook posts that she claims have been unfair to her in the distant past. It's part of her greatest hits of grievances that she pulls out regularly.
    One of the things that has struck me is how often she screeches that Valentino fans and researchers "fear" her, her so'called "discoveries" and the books that she cranks out with the man she lives with. What's there to fear? That really is the height of arrogance.

  62. This thought has been mentioned before, but I think it bears another mention since Evelyn Zumaya made a very bold statement on her blog post from Thursday, October 6, 2022 entitled Oscar M. Sheridan.
    After calling one of her commentors an a*shole, she boasts of her and her husband's 'great courage' and 'insane mental strength'. While that's a bit itself to digest, she goes even further with another comment.
    Evelyn wrote: "It is us fighting for our integrity and our right to have our truth be known".
    There's the very essence of what is wrong with the Zumaya/Floris enterprise of writing about Valentino and his legacy. Evelyn and Renato are more concerned with their own agendas ('our truth') than focusing upon the actual 'truth' of their subject....Rudolph Valentino. Supposed non-fiction biographers usually do not boast about imposing their 'own truth' and spin on their subject. Unfortunately, with absolutely no editorial oversight or peer review, Evelyn and Renato freely push their own agendas onto Valentino's story. Meanwhile, their gullible followers (who don't seem to know any better) buy their slanted take on Valentino and Rambova hook line and sinker thinking they are getting to know the 'real' Valentino.
    This is all o.k. .... as long as there are no claims to their output as being scholarly biographical studies (which they claim). Just call it what it is. It's fictionalized biography with a certain point of view.

    1. We can regard it a Historical Fiction. Good road map for real sources that contradict the writing. What the dollar will do for some sadly.

    2. Excellent observations, Tony! Evelyn Zumaya and Renato Floris are free to write whatever they want about Rudolph Valentino, Natacha Rambova, Norma Niblock, George Ullman, etc. etc.. However, I think they would do well to just own up to the fact that "their truth" is what they putting forth and they not being objective in their presentations. Evelyn seems to have some deep psychological need that is fulfilled by her fantasies around Valentino. She works like the devil to make her narrative of his life and times fit those needs.
      There is no room for discussion with "their truth". That's why everything they put out is controlled very tightly by the two of them. Books are self-published, podcasts on YouTube are not open for comments, her allowed blog comments are a joke (most are either written by her or one of her few 'fans').

  63. In passing...
    Our new King's coronation to take place on 6 May 2023. Valentino's birthday, Dietrich's death anniversary.
    Wonder how she will weave this into her ongoing tapestry of hate?

  64. I applaud this person via comments on "Evelyn's" blog:

    "Anonymous October 11, 2022 at 9:16 PM
    To say that you dislike people and wish to ignore them, you spend a heck of a lot of time trawling all the social media platforms looking for them, and a lot more time writing about them. That's not ignoring, it's applauding. I imagine this makes them grateful. After all, nobody mentions you anywhere!"

    I agree. No one cares about her whatsoever. We are not going to do a Zoom call with our ID's like she wants. She is not law enforcement. If she can't have a regular conversation with my mother and I, then she really isn't worth our time. "Evelyn" is silly.

    1. Floris "demanded" a Zoom interview with me to prove that I can speak French. I showed him that I could, in a way h won't forget. So I'm wondering what their next book will be..."Zumaya Zooms" sounds good. A snip at just $50.

    2. I know you can speak it David. It is a part of your heritage. Zumaya and Floris are grasping at straws. Their "minions" are a few people. Mostly it is Simon Constable that write boring blogs that puts me to sleep. He is just saving Zumaya's work so he can copy it.

    3. "Zumaya Zooms" cracked me up! 😂
      Hilarious! And yes, at least a $50 book with the "best of" her and her bloviating spouse's Zoom transcripts.

    4. LOL Renato. I could see her attempt to make money on us and she will not even have the chance. She should have offered it when my mother and Renato were speaking via Facebook. He suggested the her and "Evelyn" speak about things but "Evelyn" refused. I still recall the blackmail attempt Renato tried to pull on my mother and I stopped that one quickly. Now she thinks we will show ID's like she is law enforcement which she is not. She delusional for thinking that people would actually pay for things. She needs to get off of Blogspot and focus on her health. I wish her the best.

  65. Adding to her name calling with the word 'bastard' is yet another low for Zumaya. She proudly boasts: "Yes I called them all that, Renato does too". Well, since Renato seconds her vileness, it must be true of course!
    This follows closely on the heels of her calling one of her blog commenters an 'asshole'. This woman knows no shame in her conquest to demonize anyone who doesn't agree with her far out theories about Valentino and his legacy.

    p.s. - Zumaya also refers in her blog post to the term 'bastard' as an adjective (it's actually a noun in the context she is using it). Yet another example of her lack of command of the English language. No wonder her unedited books are a complete mess with improper word usage and spelling.

  66. Today Evelyn Zumaya made this statement on her blog:
    "I have decided to keep this blog open and public but will be writing here primarily about the censorship and defamation of our work...". She also goes on specifically name and attack both Tracy and David.

    I am glad that Tracy had the foresight to record the above list of hateful comments that Zumaya, Floris and their followers have made in the recent past. It's a good sample of the garbage they have spewed over there. It's especially important to have that list of hateful comments since she's now covering her tracks by wiping all of the comment history on her blog. Having the list is a reminder that the two of them and their sheep are by no means the "victims" they portray themselves to be.

  67. Her latest screech is that I post every day on this blog wishing her harm. I've never done this once. And how can her other circus act be "public" when it costs $5 a month to read it? Incidentally, that price is almost doubled for European non-enthusiasts by the time they've added 12.5% VAT and currency conversion charges. That's enough to buy two pints of fine ale in a London pub! Which tastes infinitely better than her sour grapes!

  68. ..."her sour grapes" ..... yes, much better to invest in a couple of pints of ale .... lol !

  69. Anyone else seeing Evelyn Zumaya's current meltdown on her blog? Her blog was stalled for weeks while she continued to add content to her unpopular Patreon account. Suddenly all hell has broken loose in her mind and she's spewing out rehashes of her greatest hits of hate. Strange bird.

    1. Yes I have and it is more baiting people. I suggest everyone ignore it and has a good holiday season. She is just trying to start a fight due to her 5 people fan base.

  70. The Patreon account seems dead in the water. A scant few "likes" on any given topic (at least 2 accounts "liking" probably their own selves). She comes off as especially unhinged on her blog these days as she's only responding to herself over and over since she's chosen not to allow comments.

  71. EZ has started the New Year off with her first blog post of 2023 bemoaning how the "cruelty & stupidity" of others in how she claims they treat her. All one has to do is to look upwards on this post and see the "cruelty and stupidity" recorded here that she and her followers have spewed against members of the Valentino community.

    1. Skye - I can't thank you enough for that comment. I usually refrain from adding my own comments to those left by others on this blog, and thus allow their comments to stand on their own. However, you hit on such a valid point that I had to thank you. Zumaya and her first post of the new year claiming her blog was "ruined" (her word) by the cruelty of annonymous posters. I think it's safe to assume that she has not refreshed her memory by reading the content of this extensive list of quotes that were published on HER blog. In my opinion both she and he are completely tone deaf to reality.

    2. Not much needs to be added to what Tracy and Skye say here about Zumaya's first blog post of 2023. She's starting right off the bat spewing venom at her perceived 'enemies' ..... all the while claiming to be the aggrieved party. Just scrolling through her blog posts from previous years tell a very different story.

  72. Evelyn Zumaya continues to attempt to gain sympathy as she portrays herself and her 'husband' as some kind of brave warriors for Valentino. In reality, anyone who might dare to raise a critique or even try to engage in dialogue about a point she might be making is quickly attacked by her. How dare any mere mortal question her "truthiness" (her word).
    Now any possibility of dialogue and conversation is totally shut off by her. What she seems to fail to realize is that, by scrubbing her blog of comments, her negativity now comes through especially loud and clear as she and her 'husband' are just speaking to themselves as their own audience for one another.

    1. So glad that the public does not have to see that squabbling anymore.

  73. I haven't followed the continuing saga of Evelyn Zumaya's hate speech as much now that she's pretty well turned off the lights on her mean spirited blog to devote herself more fully on her fan- funded Pateron account. However, today I saw that she did make a blog entry entitled "Bottom Line" with a bold banner stating "Truth Wins".
    "Truth Wins"? Really? What about the long list of insults and garbage spewing she, her spouse and her few followers have made that are recorded above on this entry? Is it "Truth" to hurl the most vile hate speech toward fans of Valentino who don't necessarily agree with her conclusions?
    Somehow, I don't think so.

    1. She would not know truth at all. Most of her book are like Wikipedia.
